No wonder all these ferociously anti-EU politicians want to be MEPs
04 may 2016
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The new novel
The more politically aware of you will note the fiendish planning behind this novel, which is coming out just as Britain is overheating with Brexit fever. With any luck, the book might help to calm a few nerves and tempers.
I'm not sure fiendish is the word, though. Sensible, more like. As soon as I knew there was to be a referendum on British membership of the EU I started thinking about a novel on the subject. And last year, I started going to Brussels to work-shadow and interview friends and new acquaintances who worked for the EU. What I saw and heard went way beyond any of the stories I'd read in the press.
Very quickly, the idea for a story slotted into place: Paul West, the least poltically correct man on the planet, at the heart of Europe's political capital. Merde guaranteed.
The idea was to let him loose amongst the eurocrats and force him to consider whether he wants to be part of the EU, both as an individual and a citizen of the UK. He sees the worst of Brussels and the best, and has to weigh them up.
While having a lot of fun, I should add. Which I hope you will, too, if you read the novel.