French book out in English (if that's not too confusing)
I wrote Elizabeth II, ou l'humour souverain for the French. They wanted a humorous book about the Queen, though they were initially thinking of a French-style vicious satire. I said I didn't think French readers wanted that – they like the Queen, and are fascinated by all things royal (well, all British things royal, anyway – not sure they care much about other monarchies).
So I wrote an affectionate little book highlighting the difference between the "Queen" (the symbolic figurehead wearing a 1.9 kilo crown) and the small but personable lady who inherited that role in life. And most of the book is about Elizabeth II's own understanding of the dichotomy between the two, and her willingness to take herself with a pinch of salt. As she once said about her garish outfits: "If I wore beige no one would see me". And as she said once before going walkabout when her security staff were advising against the risk, "I have to be seen to be believed".
And I was one of the people cheering when the Queen chose to read out the government's "plans" for Brexit wearing a hat in the colours of the EU flag. The best deadpan use of headwear since Charlie Chaplin.
Anyway, the book is available now on all Amazon platforms. For example :